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What are Some Common Yoga Poses?

Yoga poses are broken down into eight basic categories: seated & twists, standing, arm balances, core, back bends, forward bends, inversions, and restorative. Below you will find examples, in each category, of common yoga poses that you will most likely see in your yoga practice.

Seated & Twist: Easy Pose

Standing Pose: Downward Facing Dog

Arm Balance: Plank Pose

Core: Cat Pose

Back Bend: Bridge Pose

Forward Bend: Standing Forward Bend Pose

Inversion: Supported Shoulderstand

Restorative: Child' Pose

Want to know more about yoga poses? Click on the "Directory of Yoga Poses" link below to check out all yoga poses with step by step instructions, see their Sanskrit name and meaning, understand their benefits, contraindications, know what poses should come before and after each pose, and even see some beginner tips!

Directory of Yoga Poses

What is Yoga?
How Does Yoga Work?
How Do I Begin a Yoga Practice?